
12 May 2012

Week 2: Classmate Comments

Classmate's Original Post:

Wk2 Reading Blog: The Art of Possibility: Stepping into Life...

Creative Commons photo by Image Zen

Yesterday I finished reading the first four chapters of "The Art of Possibility" and it blew me away.  I learned that we must be open to looking at live with a positive perspective.  We must open the possibility to us and those who are around us to do their best, to feel that we contribute to the bitterness of the people who are around us, to create a positive impact, and lasting impression to students, family, friends, etc.

It wouldn't be fair to write about each chapter, because they are linked to each other and it should be treated as a whole. And these are the first four chapters, I can't imagine the rest of the book. Every sentence that I read, every paragraph made me reflect and think of how I judge those who are around me, and those that judge me.  Did I received an A? Did I gave an A?  I was impressed how students attitude in the music class improved when they were told that they had an A, but, they have to justify why, by writing a letter saying how they changed to the better as a person after taking the class, and how they contribute to each others improvement.

Chapter 3 was like a hook to the jaw and knocking me down, like the question of which musician or song touched me deeply. Well, this chapter did. I began to reflect on my life and of those that are not around me and those who still are.  This chapter, and the rest of the book can be applied to school, work(for those nagging bosses), sports, everything.

I hope that this week's reading open a world of possibilities to you....Salud!!!!

My Comment:
In life, one should always think, speak in positivity. It tends to be a hard task to achieve but the end result is always a great one. I once read a book that explains how to change your mind from negative thinking to a positive one by changing the questions one asked oneself. The book is called Change your questions, change your life, ( by Marilee Adams. In this book, there is a choice map that displays two paths, a learner path and a judger path. ( The choices lead to path of either a negative pit of questions and the other to a mountain of positive thoughts. It was a great book.


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