
16 October 2011

PE4 – Prezi

I really enjoy this program (Prezi). I know many are using this program but I truly fell in love the first time I encountered it. I love it so much that I mentioned it to everyone I know at work.

Prezi is a presentation tool which using a combination of whiteboards and slides. It is know as a cloud-based presentation software. It allows you to create an interesting presentation. One that allows you to think outside off just one slide per information. When I first was first introduced to the tool, I started creating using one of the templates. I sort of went in reverse. I looked at the template that was already created and proceeded to replace the images and the words. I also looked into the section that contains the most popular presentations. I searched for ways to make the presentation I was make interesting and fun.

Below is screen shot of the program:

As you can see you can chose from a template and then make changes to it for your presentation.

Once all changes are made, you are then allowed to make paths that lead the viewer thru your presentation. The result is amazing. At times you unknowingly make great picture views.


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